Lolz -=§hE=-.. yep its gettin activer here!! hEhE.. and try the mozilla thing for no popups.. it works purfectly! :)
haha 2 day wuz the first day of the first semester....all history wuz kindda weird...umm well i come in and there like 7 ppl standin and 10 ppl sitting in their seats..which wuz i thought they had assigned seats or something...well the teacher mr gray is like goodmorning..i just stupid smile...cause i dont noe....i just dont talk...well hes like u stand like ok....then the bell rings...and hes like these ppl were very rude to me...i said goodmornin and they didnt he made u go out and come back in...and said good morning again....i kindda my stupid way...haha he didnt hear me...and hez like i u STILL didnt greet like yea i did....hes like no u like ok hi...hahah...hez like thank u...and we sat down.....umm...then umm he goes on to say how his class is a monarchy..and stuff..really funny...but some ppl didnt get it....umm...then we went over the rulez..and he went over respect..and he said how his mom is scottish and his dad is jamaican...which is really cool...and then he goes one that he wont stand racial remarkz...cause his familys very diverse..and how his cousins r pakistani..and he eyed i assume theyre muslims...or maybe not...cause assumptions r atleast i noe hez not totally biased...i hope..unless his cousins r biased...cause we have a whole unit on the middle east...and i mite have some reaalll conflicts.....lolz.....not that i would say just come home pissed...but wutever...then we had this in greet..we had to go aruond and shake ppl handz in greet em...and i saw max come over...and i stuffed my handz in my hoody pocket...HOODYZ TO THE RESCUE..(:.
p.s. and yePZ! monday is my hatieest day.. hatiest means what i hate the most in case you dont understand!! ;) im wierdddddd a little..
Im not sick (ALHUMDULILLAH! :)) .. besidez it sooooooooo hot here.. IM BuRninG!! *saaaad*
lolzzzzzz sana.. and yaaaa i was trying to use backblog for this other blog i was making but it doesnt work! waaaaaaah!
WE RULE!! hehe jk.
so i just got back from schooooool and here I aaaaaaaam! luv fridayz forever!!
yeaaah i know it says 4:16 PM on my post but hey, here its just 1:15 PM.. ~1
yea i noe what u sux..really...the first day of skool...well highskool....there wuz like a bubble...around me n other no one would come near me..haha.....yup..its really sad though..
thanx ppl!...the geometry final went wuz really easy..the spanish final..i dont noe...sigh...oh well...ill stress about it lata....umm i got locked out the dang cold 11 degreez...*cold* well the neighborz let me in..and they let me watch tv...and let me eat itz all good...could be
Welcome Samie!!
Hhehz.. so congrats bushra (again?).. and yeaaah i added ur link raeesa.. and ummmmmm SALAMZ for now~!
im new here..haha....salamz ppl..well umm...lets see..i found out this gurl at my skool named muslimah used to go to sunday skool wit me..haha its soo awesome...umm finalz r commin up..*eeek* scared outta my mind...inshallah ill do ok...sigh...skool is getting just tierd..stayed up all nite..thinking about various things....well i g2g studddy...
And I didn't even wake up this morning, I woke up a 3 in the afternoon.
I am so sick.
btw.. me and mah friendz made a new blog.. visit it HERE: Aliens From Inner Space .
thankeeeeew and salamZ~!
sup gurlz?
im so bored
so thought id drop by....
take care insha'Allah
mhhhhmmmmmm.. and Raeesa.. hehe i dont know you.. well its not cuz I forgot you!! I never knew you hehe.. WEll I'm Sahar anyway and im pretty new herE! :)
And thanks for putting up my link Suzzy but lolz.. thats my other blog~ Well its okay.. but my **main** blogs addy is kay u dont have to link it if ya dont wanna .. but yea thats it,, :) heheh
mhhhhhmmm gasoline smellzzz ermm.. good? i used to really like da smell when I was all smallll and allll and even now it smells like hmmmmmmmm good.. lolz.z. yeah i alwayzz was told it was dangerous so I dont really likka to smelll it hehhhe but mmmmmmmmmmmm its good.!! yah im wierd.
peace ouT!
Raeesa!!!! I thought you forgot about us!! Glad your back sis.
lol, Sana, what dumb ppl...
It is soooooo cold over here, it's like 50 degrees (14 C). It's been so long since I've been in the cold, I hardly know what to do lol.
Wassalaam alaikum wr br ;)
SO uMM YoU COME WITH ME K? PLZZZ? pretty plzzzz? pretty plz with a cherry on da top and LOADZ of whipped cream? yeah? YAY!! haha okay ignore me.. i'm babling nONsense.. gibberishh..!! HEHZ
so like umm ths area barely getz upadated.. and wow! we have so many memeberz.. and i've EVEN persoNALLY SEEN a member. yeah really.. i SAW her LASt friday. twas her wedding. how cooL!! lOZL! umm and i've seeen her b4 too. cooler? yea? yeah00!!
okkk so likka disz is nonSenSiCAl so yeah.
So yeah I get to go to a wedding today! yea!! cant wait.. one of my friend, is gettin married.. but then i think she's like 18 or 19..
And oh yeah... something funny: I was looking over the Team List of this blog, and I saw she's (my friend who's gettin married tonight) on it! wieeeeeerd! small world I guess.. but then I dont think she ever blogged cuz i couldnt find anything from her in the archives and stuffs.. Lolz!! well so in case some of you know her.. she's gettin married tonight and .. heeeeeh but then I didnt tell you who she was.. so u dont kno whom im talkin about!! well yeaaaaaaaaH. dont feel like mentioonning her by name here cuz its a public place.. heh
k salamz... aandd Jumuah Mubarak!!
yep! waaaaah!! School's here TOMORROW. nooooo noooo waaaaaay!! Mmmm... sometimess when my brother goes off the computer he leaves MSN sighned on his account, and then his wierdo annnoying friends come up.. they're so strange never stop IMing.. see look: (kinda really long, sorry!)
run away says:
run away says:
are u there
run away says:
run away says:
its me ahmed
run away says:
run away says:
are u there
run away says:
are u there
run away says:
run away says:
run away says:
run away says:
run away says:
run away says:
are u there
run away says:
i need to talk to u
run away says:
run away says:
run away says:
are u there
run away says:
run away says:
run away says:
run away says:
run away says:
run away says:
run away says:
run away says:
run away says:
are you there
run away says:
are you there
run away says:
run away says:
(hamza is my brother)
hahahaha! wierd? yes? im just ignoring him.. Sometimes i say IM THE GHOST OF HAMZA MWHAHAHAH.. but yeaaa...
p.s. the layout still says Ramadan Mubarak.. lolz.. maybe we should erm make it a bit more up to date. ;)
Everyone who wants to join, Email Me!!! or leave a comment in this post. Sorry I haven't sent you guys the stuff. I've been very busy.
So does anyone want to pretend they are me and go to college for me?? They have to get good grades, so who's up for it?? Not me.
Who We Are
Al-Muhajabah - A quiet, bookish, revert niqabi Muslimah. My current mood is
American Princess
Ana Ami
Anushay Mahmud
Bilqees Khan
Blah sum
Born2Die - Under cover
Bushra ! - My current mood is
Cindy - My current mood is
CoFfEe MoNsTeR
Fareeza Ali
Hanan S.
Haseeba S - Crazy Muslim student
Huma I
Humayra Limbada
Lina Assiya
Lina Attai
Lovin' Niqaab - Niqaabi all the way
Mistaken Identity - I'm not obsessive. I'm not obsessive. I'm not obsessive.
Muna Awad
Muslimah 17 - A niqaabi wannabe
Nigar Shah
NJ Arif
Nuwairah Khadijah
Poi Namaze
Punjabi Muslimah - Punjabi to the core
Raeesa Nurani - A sister from the UK
Sumayah Adwinishee
Suzzy of Islam - Right now I'm
SwEet faith - Mujahida inshallah
Tara Rasheed - Some assembly required
Tahirah Asari
Tasnim Musa - The bride of martyrdom
Your sister in Islam
Yumna Kharodia
Zara 7
Zaynah Jamal
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05/01/2002 - 06/01/2002